College Writing I


Creative Producer and
Project Manager

Project managed and produced one of the best, for-credit, online College Writing courses around. Including a fantastic lead instructor and incredible guests, this course takes students on a journey that enables them to develop their writing in college and far beyond the classroom!

Responsibilities included:

  • Project-managed and created production schedule for the 9-month project

  • Managed overall 6-figure production budget

  • Scouted locations for spaces/venues we could use for production

  • Pitched and created the overall thematic story/visual theme for our course

  • Led casting and contracting for our fantastic roster of accomplished guest instructors within our course

  • Led rehearsals and walkthroughs with instructor and guest lecturers in the four months leading up to production

  • Provided notes on video and graphics in rough cut, fine cut, and final cut reviews to our wonderful post-production team via, ending with 25+ hours of exceptional video lessons